Out of the Darkness and Into the Light
As we step through the gateway into the Garden, we set our shared intention of discovering the most powerful method for bringing light in for the purpose of healing. After calling upon the Elements, we chant the following in unison three times with our hands raised above our heads, to harness the light:
Fill my Body, Spirt of Life
Fill my Body, Spirit of Light
Come from that Shines through the Night
Awaken and Aid me
Free me from the darkness
And Fill me with Light
As we finish the chant, a towering pillar of light beams from the center of the krystal platform, radiating rainbow hues. At the base of the pillar is a golden disc representing the 12th chakra point. We can feel the powerful waves of energy moving in and out. An enormous trident manifests before us, with emeralds placed in each of its three points. Then, a golden chalice appears, adorned with glittering rubies and emeralds. The pure white light encompasses the entire Garden as we sit, resonating in the energy.
We call upon representatives Raeynar, who is an Atlantean being, and Adoxix, who is Lemurian, to guide us with our intention today. We ask for their perspective and guidance on what steps should be taken to bring light in for healing purposes, individually and in a group setting.
Raeynar shares with us that before embarking on this exercise, it is vital that we first cleanse our space and align with our intention. Then, we bring down the purity symbol. If in a group, we must stand around the purity symbol and it is best that the symbol is drawn in the center. After this is done, we then call upon the elemental principles of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Krystal. Next, when we chant the incantation to invite the light in, we must raise our hands above our heads, drawing the energy down into ourselves. This entire process is crucial for accessing the full potential of the healing light.
Adoxyx tells us that the most effective approach is to stick to what is most natural and organic, rather than what has been done in the past by invoking god forms and deities. This new method they guide us through stems from the purity of the expression of the spirit. It has a profound cleansing effect on the organs. While we are cleansing our fields and the energy surrounding us, our organs and physicality are also being cleansed and healed. And through this exercise, the higher senses and centers are activated.
The telepathy symbol emerges, and we learn that through consistent practice of this exercise with the same group of people, telepathy will become most natural between one another. A lotus appears in our hands, with the gold free energy symbol spinning above it, the three diamonds spinning in different directions. We realize that this method is how we can not only create but also move objects and heavy structures, transmit and send healing energy, communicate, and call upon those who are unreachable. The possibilities are infinite. We notice a musical note appear before us. We are told that if a group makes the same sounds in sequence, it amplifies the shared intention. This adds yet another layer to this practice.
The steps for this process of healing light is as follows:
- Cleanse your space
- Align with your intention
- Draw your circle of light
- Bring in the purity symbol
- Chant the following three times, calling in the Elements:
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Krystal
One is us as One we are
- Chant the following three times, with your hands raised above your head:
Fill my Body, Spirt of Life
Fill my Body, Spirit of Light
Come from that, Shines through the Night
Awaken and Aid me
Free me from the darkness
And fill me with light
Join us at our next virtual event on Sunday April 30, 2023 at 1PM PT/2PM MST, where we will guide you in how to heal, unblock, purify and align to the higher harmonics and spirit essence. We will take a deeper dive into each step above, as a collective, with one unified intention. Click here to sign up or learn more about the event.
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