The Key to Unlocking the Hall of Knowledge
We flow through a tunnel of light accompanied by representatives Renae and Captain Odyssis, as we journey to the Hall of Knowledge. The exterior of the light tunnel is surrounded in shimmering gold. As we ascend to higher levels, we feel our crown chakra activating. We see that the Hall of Knowledge is situated between the 7th and 9th chakra points in the third harmonic Universe. Our third eye opens as we approach the gates. Entry to the Hall of Knowledge requires us to be in certain alignment, energetically and harmonically. Our thoughts must be in sync and only then can we be granted access to its expansive knowledge.
We enter the Hall of Knowledge which is a vast round room, illuminated with white light. The space has many tall, elegant pillars that look like they are made of marble although they are actually formed by an energy pattern. Looking below, the floor looks like it is made of glass tiles that allow you to see out into the Universe. High above, the ceiling holds a magnificent pattern of hexagonal shapes that interlock creating a dome. This pattern of life is held securely in the Hall of Knowledge as it is a safe space. This is why it is imperative that visitors must align their harmonics and energy in order to gain access.
As we feel our solar plexus activate, we notice that while in the Hall of Knowledge, we anchor to the seed of the soul in the solar plexus to allow recognition of the soul plates. The individual’s own technology engages with the harmonics of the higher frequencies in the space. The experience is so powerful that it can be felt in the physical body. The chakra points engage and the spiritual technology activates. As we scan the room, we see aisles filled with thin, geometrical technology which are holding light orbs; each orb containing a transcript of profound wisdom. There are light screens floating near the walls of the room, that look like windows. The technology from the orbs allows for the transcripts to be viewed on these screens, which then downloads the information into our consciousness.
When we ask for a Representative for the Hall of Knowledge to come forth to show us how this technology works, we are greeted by three tall insectoid beings. They are the high counsel for the entire structure of the Hall of Knowledge. They tell us that they wish to show us one of the templates. One of the beings takes hold of a luminous orb, gesturing for us to follow as they lead the way to the light screens. As the orb is projected onto the screen, we see that the template held within the orb holds the knowledge of light sharing. How to build more light, share that light, become more light — the possibilities are endless.
Before us materializes a master key, which resembles the ancient Ankh symbol. We watch as the end of the key is inserted into the base of the skull and carefully turned counterclockwise, which unlocks the gateway for more light to flow in. This key is a powerful tool that can be inserted into each chakra point, unlocking each point, which then allows changes in our patterns so we are able to accept more knowledge and activate on a higher level. More of our natural frequency becomes available when the key is used. However, we must exercise caution, as the immense influx of light and energy can overwhelm both our physical and psychological selves.
The beings take the orb away and prompt us to sit at a krystalline pyramid in the center of the all. As we take a seat, we notice the master key floating at the peak the pyramid. We begin unlocking each chakra point with the key, starting with our crown first. We insert the key into our crown chakra, turning it counterclockwise and allow light to stream in. As we do this, we can see white light illuminating our bodies and the room. We next insert the key into the pineal gland, in the center of the brain, imagining the white cerebral fluid within being filled with bright light. A white lotus appears above our heads. With each successive chakra — the third eye, throat, thalamus, heart, solar plexus, navel, sacral, and root — we repeat the process, feeling ourselves being transformed by the flood of light and energy. Our physical bodies are just a thought as we transform into spirit.
This method of unlocking each chakra point with the key, while bringing the light in to each point, is how best we can maximize the building of more light as well as the sharing of light, while unlocking the patterns to become aligned with our natural frequency.
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